Sky Suite Category S1
319 sqft suite with 79 sqft balcony on deck 12. Suite prices and availability can change without notice. Price based on a non-refundable deposit and accurate as of 9/21/24. Call or email for other suites if interested.
$4,397.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$8,633.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out
Category C1
194 square foot cabin with 54 square foot balcony plus concierge services decks 9 thru 12. See https://www.celebritycruises.com/things-to-do-onboard/staterooms/concierge-class-stateroom forlist of concierge services and amenities.
$2,494.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$4,627.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out -
Sunset Concierge (SC)
194 square foot cabin with 54 square foot balcony plus concierge services overlooking the aft. This price based on a non-refundable deposit and does NOT include perks. Prices and availability can change without notice. Price accurate as of 9/17/24.
$2,010.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$3,659.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out
Category V3 (partial view)
192 square foot cabin with 54 square foot balcony decks 6 with partially obstructed view.
$2,260.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$4,168.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out
Category O2
176 square foot cabin with a window on deck 3
$2,160.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$3,976.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out
Category I2
183 square foot cabin on deck 3, 7 and 8
$1,960.56 per person double occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
$3,538.56 single occupancy
includes $161.56pp in taxes and fees
sold out